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Chocolate Chia Pudding

what are the benefits of chia seeds?

Chia seeds are a true powerhouse and have significant health benefits:

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• Maintaining a healthy digestive system • Preventing chronic diseases like heart disease and cancer • Protect your cells from damage • Reduce inflammation • Good source of protein and calcium

chia seeds - dark cocoa powder - pistachio cream - almond milk - maple syrup - nutmeg - fine sea salt


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Mix all the ingredients but the pistachio cream in a mason jar 


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Let the chocolate chia pudding sit for a minimum of 2 hours

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Stir a tablespoon of pistachio cream or nut butter, and add your favorite toppings!!!


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Store. For 2-3 days in mason jars in the fridge. Always put a lid on it. Otherwise, it will dry up.


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