Soak or wash Brussels sprouts. In a bowl with water or under running water. Take off any dark leaves.
Pre-heat the oven at 450 ºF (225 ºC)
Towel dry the sprouts before cutting and seasoning.
Trim and half. Remove the bottom part with a knife and half the sprouts, one by one. Save the loose leaves.
Season. In a bowl, mix de sprouts, oil, garlic powder and salt. Do it carefully to avoid loosing leaves.
Arrange the halved sprouts on a parchment-lined baking sheet. Leave some room between them.
Bake at 450ºF (225ºC) for 25 minutes or until you see they are golden enough for your liking.
Serve. Add pepperoncino to make it spicy and lemon zest if you like an acid note
Brussels sprouts season starts at the end of August through March in Italy; although you can find and eat Brussel sprouts year-round, they won’t be local.
Usually, they are at their pick after the first freezing, as they benefit from cold weather.